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LEVELS 10-60 (Alliance)

Level 1-60 Video Guide

My Current Alliance 10-70 World Record: https://youtu.be/8YN6DM3kH0Y

Guide to Finding Rare Mobs: https://youtu.be/trJVnq6dRiM

Dungeon Leveling vs Questing: https://youtu.be/2q4G-4u69c4

Step 1 (Setup)

  • Before starting the actual route, you’ll need to do a few quests to acquire a Dalaran Hearthstone. This only takes a few minutes and will save a ton of time over the course of the 10-60 leveling process.
  • To kick things off, you’ll need to speak to Chromie and begin the Legion Questline. If you’re unsure where to find her, head to the Stormwind Embassy and look for a Gnome sitting on a big hourglass.
  • Head to the Stormwind Docks and speak to Recruiter Lee. This NPC should have a dialogue option that starts with “I’ve heard this tale before…”, and you’ll want to select it in order to skip the Broken Shore Introduction.
  • If the dialogue option isn’t appearing, it means you’ve never done the Broken Shore Scenario before. For your first character, you’ll want to complete this, as it only takes about 15 minutes and allows you to skip the entire thing on all future leveling runs.
  • Once you’ve reached Dalaran, you can turn in the nearby quest to receive your Dalaran Hearthstone. From here, head to your faction’s section of the city and take the portal back to Stormwind.
  • Note: The above process is not needed if your class is a Mage or a Monk, or if your race is Dark Iron Dwarf. Each one of these classes and/or races have abilities which remove the need for a Dalaran Hearthstone.
  • (DARKMOON FAIRE ONLY): After arriving in the portal room, use the Old Dalaran (Northrend) Portal and walk into the nearby courtyard where you can find a Darkmoon Faire Mage. After speaking to them and paying a small fee, you’ll be teleported to the Darkmoon Faire. 
  • (DARKMOON FAIRE ONLY): Once you’ve taken the portal to Darkmoon Island, you can head to the Fairgrounds and buy a carousel ticket from a Pandaren NPC named Kae Ti. This will allow you to ride the nearby carousel, which grants you a 10% Experience buff that lasts for up to one hour. Now that you have the buff, you can hand in all of your DMF Quest Items (assuming you bought them ahead of time). These quests give a hefty chunk of XP, along with a large amount of tickets, and you should spend all of them on Darkmoon Top Hats, which are sold by a goblin named Gelvas Grimegate. Once you’ve purchased all of your top hats and turned in every quest item, you can use your Dalaran Hearthstone and take the portal to Stormwind once again.
  • Note: You DO NOT need to return to Chromie and change your “Chromie Time” expansion. Chromie Time is a binary state: you’re either in it, or you’re out of it. Since you already enabled Legion Chromie Time, all of the other zones will begin scaling as well. If you’re a Mage/Monk/Dark Iron, you still don’t need to enable it at this point, as the first few zones naturally scale up to Level 30.

Step 2 (Levels 10-25)

  • After returning to Stormwind, head south out of the main gate and follow the road until you reach Goldshire. In this town, speak to Remy "Two Times" and pick up the quest "A Fishy Peril" which directs you to a nearby NPC, Marshal Dughan. Turn in this quest to Dughan and grab the follow-up, "Further Concerns". Speaking to Marshal Dughan once again should reveal a dialogue option which reads "I wish to ride the Stormwind Charger, sir". Click on this dialogue option, and a horse will take you to the next questing area.
  • (DARKMOON FAIRE ONLY): Speak to a Darkmoon Faire Mage (in Stormwind or Old Dal, location doesn't matter) to be teleported straight to Goldshire once again. From here, follow the rest of the above step.
  • The horse will take you to a bridge near Eastvale Logging Camp. Pick up all nearby quests from Guard Thomas and the Bounty Board, and then walk across the river towards Eastvale Logging Camp. Pick up all additional quests within this area, and then complete all of them.
  • Once you've finished all quests in Eastvale Logging Camp, run to the east until you enter Redridge Mountains. You should reach a building called "Tower Watch", and you can begin the Redridge Mountains questline here.
  • Continue normally until you reach the quest “Prisoners of War”, which you’ll get shortly after reaching Camp Everstill. The quests from here on out are sparse, filled with RP, and take a while to complete, so I do not recommend finishing them. At this point you should talk to the nearby flight master and travel to Darkshire in Duskwood.
  • Once you reach Duskwood, complete almost the entire questline there, including the hubs on the western side. While Duskwood does have a lot of travel time between hubs, the overall quest density is high enough to make up for it. The only quest you should not complete is the final one which tells you to kill Mor’ladim, as it requires a ton of travel for a minimal reward. Upon reaching that quest and completing all others, return to Stormwind.
  • At some point, you’ll hit level 20. When this happens, set your hearthstone to the nearest inn (usually Darkshire or Lakeshire) and then use your Dalaran Hearthstone. Take the portal to Stormwind in order to activate War Mode. If you’re a Dark Iron Dwarf, activate your mole machine and teleport to Stormwind. As previously mentioned, mages or monks can use portals/zen pilgrimage, respectively, as a replacement for the Dalaran Hearthstone. 
  • In total, there are 6 rare mobs that you can find in Redridge Mountains, and 10 in Duskwood. If you want more information on the exact locations, you should refer to this video: https://youtu.be/trJVnq6dRiM

Step 2.5 (Dungeon Leveling)

  • While the questing route described above is still perfectly viable, my recent testing has shown that running Burning Crusade dungeons from levels 10-20 is significantly faster. This is largely due to the fact that War Mode bonuses and Fast Riding aren't available until Level 20, making those ten levels relatively inefficient for questing compared to the rest of the route.
  • Additionally, leveling through dungeons from 20-30 is still marginally faster when compared to questing, but it usually requires you to get good RNG.
  • Since I understand that not everyone enjoys running dungeons, I wanted to include this section in the guide as a bonus alternative route, rather than something which directly replaces the original 10-20 process. If you uncomfortable running dungeons, don't worry, since the difference between TBC Dungeons and my questing route is only ~10-15 minutes, so it won't make or break your leveling speed.
  • It's important to keep in mind that leveling through dungeons contains infinitely more variance when compared to questing. At peak efficiency it's a pretty solid time save, but this is assuming you get optimal dungeons, groups composed of good players, and nearly instant queue times (which is only realistically possible for tanks and healers). DPS players can still justify running dungeons, but you should continue following the questing route while waiting in the queue.
  • Should you choose to level through dungeons from levels 10-30, this is how it will impact the rest of the questing route:
    • Your path through Redridge Mountains is unchanged, but Duskwood can be cut short if you find that you're far ahead on experience. The best point to leave Duskwood is after you've completed every available quest in Darkshire, and the only ones you have left direct you towards the opposite side of the zone.
    • From levels 30-35, the section of the guide involving Spires of Arak can be completely ignored. This was previously the least efficient section of the guide, so a major advantage of dungeon leveling is that it allows you to skip Spires of Arak completely. If you find yourself short on experience prior to reaching Level 60, you can always come back and do Spires of Arak at that point in time.
    • The level 35-60 sections can be followed as is. If anything you may end up finishing a bit early, but that's completely fine, as I structured the guide so that the most efficient zones are frontloaded in each leveling bracket.
  • If you want to learn more about why exactly Dungeon Leveling saves time from levels 10-30, I made an ~8 minute video which goes into additional detail. You can watch it here: https://youtu.be/2q4G-4u69c4

Step 3 (Levels 25-35)

  • After leaving Duskwood and returning to Stormwind, you should speak with Chromie and begin the Warlords of Draenor questline. You'll be directed to speak to an NPC called "Vanguard Battlemage", but you should instead talk to the Honor Hold Mage, both of whom can be found just past the entrance to the Stormwind Mage Tower. Talking to the Honor Hold Mage NPC will cause you to be teleported directly next to Khadgar in the Blasted Lands, allowing you to immediately start the next quest. The Vanguard Battlemage will teleport you farther away from Khadgar, forcing you to run for an additional few minutes.
  • If you completed TBC dungeons earlier in the leveling process, make sure you abandon the quest "Burning Crusade: To Outland!" as it causes the Honor Hold Mage to teleport you to Outland instead of directly next to Khadgar.
  • Complete the WoD Intro, which, contrary to popular belief, is actually the most efficient questline in the entire game.
  • Once you reach Shadowmoon Valley, do the entire questline to set up your garrison, as this provides you with a Garrison Hearthstone. You’ll also want to finish the next few quests where you kill pale orcs, gather supplies, construct a barracks, and rescue Qiana Moonshadow
  • Around this time, you should receive a quest in your garrison from Cordana Felsong named “Meet Us at Starfall Outpost”. Complete this entire chain up until the quests “Soul Shards of Summoning” and “Cleaning Up Gul’var”, as things slow down immensely from that point on. 
  • Fly south and complete the “Bloodthorn Cave” bonus objective, along with the nearby quest “A Matter of Life and Death”. From here, you should fly just outside the entrance to Spires of Arak and complete the “Zorkra’s Fall” bonus objective in Talador.
  • You’ll now want to enter Spires of Arak and begin the questline there. You’re going to be questing here until you reach level 35, at which point you should finish up your remaining quests and return to Stormwind.
  • Spires of Arak is a peculiar zone, as it has fairly high quest density early on, but falls off significantly towards the end. When you reach Southport, you can construct the Stoktron Brewery, which gives you 20% increased experience within Spires of Arak, as well as a localized hearthstone ability on a separate cooldown. While this buff is nice to have, it’s nowhere near as impactful as many people seem to think it is. By the time you get the 20% XP buff, you’ve already completed most of the efficient quests in the zone, so it doesn’t end up helping you much. 
  • While you quest, keep an eye out for treasures called “Offering to the Raven Mother”. These give rested experience on top of the pick-up XP, so they’re extremely efficient. You’ll also want to pick up the wanted quests from a poster within the Stoktron Brewery, as they give great experience and can usually be completed alongside other quests. As previously mentioned, when you hit level 35 you should abandon Spires and return to Stormwind.

Step 4 (Levels 35-50)

  • Note: If you’re a monk, you should complete the entire Peak of Serenity questline at this point. The quests are easy to complete and give fantastic experience, which is partly why monk is one of the best leveling classes in the game.
  • Now that you’re back in Stormwind, you have two options. You could talk to the Flight Master and fly straight to Thelsamer in Loch Modan, but that takes about 5 minutes. Alternatively, you can head for the Deeprun Tram, which will generally be a faster method of transportation, unless you get REALLY unlucky with the train timing.
  • It’s worth noting that mages and Dark Iron Dwarves can use portals or a Mole Machine, respectively, to quickly travel to Ironforge. Kul'tiran Humans can also take the Boralus portal in the Stormwind Mage Tower, and the Boralus Portal Room contains a portal directly to Ironforge. Other races must complete the Kul'tiras intro in order to unlock this portal, which takes too long to be worth doing. Unlike the previously mentioned skips, monks will not be able to accomplish the same thing by using Zen Pilgrimage.
  • Once you arrive in Loch Modan, travel south and start the questline in the Valley of Kings. From here you should complete every single quest in the zone, as it’s by far the most efficient leveling area for the Alliance.
  • Throughout Loch Modan there are six interactable objects called “Stolen Explorer’s League Documents”, and they’ll give you a quest when you interact with them. A few of these are directly in your questing path, but many are off the traditional route, so I recommend looking up their exact locations in order to make sure you don’t miss any. It may seem trivial, but each object gives full quest XP for minimal effort, so it’s absolutely worth going out of your way to pick these up.
  • Loch Modan has a whopping 15 rare mobs scattered throughout the zone, so it’s important that you know where to look. Once again, you can find the rare mob video here: https://youtu.be/trJVnq6dRiM

Step 5 (Levels 50-60)

  • Once you’ve finished everything in Loch Modan, you should use your Garrison Hearthstone to return to WoD. From here, fly west to Talador and complete the “Aruuna’s Desolation” bonus objective. You can then head north until you reach Fort Wrynn, and you’ll want to construct the Artillery Tower to unlock the “Zangarra” bonus objective. Ignore the remaining quests in Fort Wrynn and head east to complete this objective. When it’s done, fly northeast into Gorgrond and complete the “Tailthrasher Basin” and “Ruins of the First Bastion” bonus objectives. Upon finishing both, head to Yrel on the eastern coast and begin the questline.
  • Follow the questline until you reach Highpass. At this point, you’ll be prompted to choose between the Sparring Ring or the Logging Camp. The Sparring Ring is SIGNIFICANTLY better than the Logging Camp, as it gives you access to a ton of extremely efficient quests. Continue along the questline and pick up the quest “A Harsh Reminder” in Affliction Ridge. While completing this, round up a wide variety of mobs and pop your Champion’s Honor ability.
  • This spell has a hidden effect that drops quest-starting items when you kill certain enemies with it active. Under Draenor Exploration there is an achievement called “Prove Your Strength” which can help you keep track of which quest items you’ve collected. You’ll want to only use it when you’ve rounded up a few mobs of at least 2 types in order to maximize your chances at getting quest items.
  • Complete the quests for Stonemaul Arena, Gronn Canyon, and the Rexxar questline. You’ll want to use your Champion’s Honor ability on the Basilisks and Steamfuries that you’ll encounter during the quest “On the Mend”. Later on, you can use it once again while killing Ogron during the quest “Fair Warning”. After you finish the quest “Chains of Iron”, you should complete the nearby bonus objective, “Valley of Destruction”. Upon returning to Highpass, you’ll receive a quest named “Strike While the Iron is Hot”, but this is extremely inefficient and should be ignored.
  • Complete the “Mistcreep Mire” and “The Razorbloom” bonus objectives just south of Highpass. While you’re here, make sure you use Champion’s Honor ability on the nearby Wasps and Ravagers. If you have leftover time on the buff after getting the Wasp and Ravager items, you can try to get the Orc Thorn and Botani Bloom items, in case you’re still missing either one. 
  • Head east and complete the entire Crimson Fen questline. Upon finishing it, return to Highpass and hand in all of your remaining quests. If you haven’t managed to hit level 60 by this point, you should fly around the zone and complete as many bonus objectives as possible. 

Bonus Step (I'm still not Level 60!)

  • If you somehow haven't managed to hit 60 after finishing Gorgrond, don't panic, as there are still many things you can do to gain experience.
  • For starters, while this may seem trivial, make sure you're ACTUALLY IN CHROMIE TIME. I receive a lot of messages from people who claim the guide didn't work for them, only to find out they forgot to actually enable Chromie Time. This means you're gaining massively reduced XP from quests past level 30, and will obviously cause you to fall behind the guide.
  • It's likely that you skipped over the dungeon section earlier in the guide, which is a great source of experience. While it's generally better to do that at lower levels, you can still do TBC dungeons at higher levels and get good experience from it. Once again, this video will provide you with additional info: https://youtu.be/2q4G-4u69c4
  • If you're dead set against completing dungeons, use your Garrison Hearthstone and fly to Spires of Arak. If you have yet to quest here, refer to the earlier Step 3 (Levels 25-35) for additional instructions. If you already started Spires during that step, complete all remaining quests and bonus objectives within this zone.
  • If you're STILL not Level 60 after finishing Spires of Arak, return to Talador and complete the entire questline there. Midway through the zone you should hit level 60, as it's mathematically impossible to not reach max level by that point if you've already completed every previous step.
  • In case you'd rather not stay in WoD to finish leveling, or if you want some decent alternative zone suggestions for your next character, here's a list of some good options:
    1. Western Plaguelands
    2. Eastern Plaguelands
    3. Felwood
    4. Val'sharah
    5. Stonetalon Mountains
    6. Shadowmoon Valley (WoD) Questline