Guide to All Leveling Consumables
How to Farm Experience Potions:
Which Heirlooms Should You Invest In?:
This page will eventually be updated with a detailed list of leveling consumables, but for now you can watch the embedded video guide above for more information.
If you're interested in learning more about how to win the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza in order to get the Dread Pirate Ring, you should check out the "Fishing Extravaganza" section found on the list on the left side of this page.
Dragonflight Leveling Consumables
- There are three banners you can pick up from the guild vendor (1, 2, 3). These give you extra mob kill experience while you're standing nearby, so it helps to use these over the course of a run. There isn't any special way to use them, though, you should just drop one whenever you're fighting a group of enemies. In order to make it a bit easier to activate the banners, you can use the macro found here:
- Some general consumables that everyone should have are Gunshoes, Goblin Gliders, XA-1000 Surface Skimmers, and Fried Bonefish. All of these items can be purchased for a fairly low price from the Auction House. Gunshoes, Gliders, and Skimmers are fairly standard speedrunning items which will save you a lot of travel time over a run. Fried Bonefish is a food item that gives you speed whenever you kill an enemy, so it's useful while leveling. This is less important while leveling alts since you’ll have immediate access to Dragonriding, but it’s still useful in niche situations.
- Finally, I'll list out various basic consumables that you could grab if you really want to: