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How to Farm Rares With Chromie Time

This section is pretty bare-bones, as I've slowly integrated most of this information into the leveling guide itself. In the future I'll likely rework this page into some sort of FAQ, since that's what most of the information was about anyways.

  • A question I’ve received a lot regarding WoD leveling is whether or not Rares and Treasures are worth going out of the way for. The simple answer is no, and the not-so-simple answer is that it depends. I pick up a FEW treasures along the run, but they’re usually DIRECTLY in the path. As for rare mobs, I find almost all of them to be a waste of time, and I don’t recommend killing any if you’re trying to go fast.
  • Another thing many people ask is whether I believe that Herbalism/Mining/Skinning is efficient for 10-70 Leveling. In terms of PURE speed leveling, no, it’s not. That said, unless you plan on being one of the first people on your server, I don’t think going EXTREMELY fast is that important, but using gathering professions along the route can be a great way to make money. Therefore, while I won’t personally be using gathering professions in my run, I’d recommend it for anyone simply looking to have a more enjoyable leveling experience.
  • One thing that a few people have asked me is how I was able to record footage of myself in Chromie Time while at max level. Currently, if you use party sync with someone who is in Chromie Time you’re able to enter it as a level 60+ character. If you want more information about how to use this trick to farm obscure rare mobs, you can watch this video: https://youtu.be/75J4FIH_CP